Capability Documents
Product Data Sheets
Logo and Branding Guidelines
Primary Logo:
Use as often as possible
Tagline Logo:
Use when requested or directed.
Black Logo:
Use on B&W uses or when high contrast is required
White Logo:
Use on dark backgrounds
Main Green:
Hex: #73B564
RGB: R:115, G:181, B:100
CMYK: C:59% M:7% Y:80% K:0%
Main Gray:
Hex: #5f6369
RGB: R:95, G:99, B:105
CMYK: C:30% M:22% Y:17% K:57%
Accent Blue:
Hex: #77bbe0
RGB: R:119, G:187, B:224
CMYK: C: 50% M:11% Y:3% K: 0%
Accent Orange:
Hex: #fcb44c
RGB: R:252, G:180, B:76
CMYK: C:0% M:33% Y:80% K:0%
Helvetica Neue:
This our main font to be used in graphical takeaways – We use two weights (thin & light) – as headers & body copy. Please contact a SpinSys designer to be setup with this font to start creating items such as: brochures, business cards, product sheets & other deliverables. For creating google docs & Word documents use “Century Gothic” or “Open Sans” as fallbacks that are similar in look.
Bank Gothic
This is the main font used in our logo type face. We use it for document titles and other larger graphical call-outs.